
The Door Opens - Update: The Door Closes

Gus11/19/2009 11:44:03 pm PST

re: #703 Bagua

This whole notion that it is a major issue that 4 mass murdering terrorists - who were known to have information on pending attacks - were forced to gasp a bit in a controlled setting that did them no harm, just seems histrionic and bizarre.

Worse things happen to US citizens in US Federal and State prisons every single day of the week and the same people who are frothing with indignation over the baptism of KSM care not a wit, in fact, they make snarky little “don’t pick up the soap” comments.

I am much more upset that more wasn’t done to extract every drop of information from them using whatever means necessary and for as long as his heart still beat. This was an unusual and highly unique situation.

Perhaps if they were charged with “crimes against humanity” maybe then it would get their attention. The idea of showing compassion for these animals is hard to swallow.

Another thing is that it does not end with waterboarding and it includes claims of inhumanity with regards to incarceration and/or the death penalty. Many of them would say that a life sentence at ADMAX is inhumane and prefer to incarcerate him in a condo like setting like they do in Germany.

It wouldn’t surprise me to hear theories that they could be rehabilitated or like PETA claiming that if we change their diets they could become “contributing members of society in the near future.” We’ve heard it all before. Or worse hearing that “it’s partly our own fault” or that “we are guilty of the same.”

Given the recent chatter I would have to agree that this civilian trial will indeed turn into a media circus and propaganda coup for the far left that will continually bring up the torture meme on a frequent basis.