
AP: NSA Improperly Collected an Incredibly Tiny Number of Emails

jamesfirecat8/21/2013 4:27:21 pm PDT

re: #695 triple

I’d say whatever, good luck voting for the opposing party you literally hate to death.

Extremists aren’t going to turn tail and vote for liz warren. They’re going to suck it up and vote their party, because that’s what they do. It’s just no one has the balls to actually stand up to them and show them they’re worthless.

Sorry I should have said “the person whose views most match theirs” not “least in common with yours” that was poorly said.

The problem with American politics is that right now one of our political parties has NO chance at all at getting elected without the support of crazy extremists. Sane republicans are vastly out numbered by sane democrats (here value of “sane” meaning has political believes that fall within the Overton window of the Clinton years) and so to have any chance of getting elected must gain the support of crazy replubicans of whome there are a lot more (they are certainly at least much more vocal) than crazy democrats.

This fever will not be broken till they get to run a crazy republican for president and get thoroughly crushed at the polls and till that happens anything else is just trying to treat the symptoms not the disease,

On that note, what do you think of the filibuster?