
Yet Another Wingnut Blogosphere Fail: No Connection Between White House Shooter and OWS

lawhawk11/17/2011 8:05:58 am PST

Wizard of Oz’ Munchkin Karl Slover dies at 93, and was one of the last surviving members of the cast of munchkins (or any cast members at that):

Slover was best known for playing the lead trumpeter in the Munchkins’ band but also had roles as a townsman and soldier in the film, said John Fricke, author of “100 Years of Oz” and five other books on the movie and its star, Judy Garland. Slover was one of the tiniest male Munchkins in the movie.

But perhaps the most interesting part of the obituary is what he endured at the hands of his father in an attempt to make him taller (and would now be considered massive child abuse):

Slover was born Karl Kosiczky in what is now the Czech Republic and he was the only child in his family to be dwarf sized.

“In those uninformed days, his father tried witch doctor treatments to make him grow,” Fricke said. “Knowing Karl and his triumph over his early life, you can’t help but celebrate the man at a time like this.”

He was buried in the backyard, immersed in heated oil until his skin blistered and then attached to a stretching machine at a hospital, all in the attempt to make him become taller. Eventually he was sold by his father at age 9 to a traveling show in Europe, Fricke said.