
Creationist Unanimously Elected to Lead SC Republican Party

Alberta Oil Peon5/18/2009 9:41:23 pm PDT

re: #689 Cato the Elder

Now there’s a leap.

Reading comprehension fail, much?

What I said was: And it gave me an interesting perspective on what a group claims to be and what it often is in reality.

Maybe I should have said “sometimes”.

I will tell you this: neither Scouting nor the US Military nor any other human institution even begins to come close to thinking about maybe someday procrastinating over putting off doing something to live up to their lofty written ideals.

That’s just human nature.

I’ll take Killgore sweating to mow his neighbor’s lawn for her and laughing at her behind her back as an example of human kindness and honesty before I’ll ever buy the “clean in thought, word and deed” bushwah from any shiny group again in my life.

Heh. You just went and proved my point, even bolded the key word, “often.” You, personally, state that you had a bad experience with the boorish behavior of other kids in the Scout troop to which you belonged. OK, there is one documented instance of a Scout troop not living up to the lofty ideals of the organization. How do you get from one instance to “often?”