
Breaking: House Passes Health Care Bill

tradewind11/07/2009 10:35:48 pm PST

re: #660 Existential_Donuts

A letter from across the country in a couple of days?

Only if you’re lucky.
I am still having problems with getting mail delivered to the wrong address after several months of filing inquiries. And a year or so ago, we got a nice soggy bundle from the post office with a form letter notice that our mail had been kept as evidence in a postal theft case, but out of the kindness of their hearts, they were delivering it now! Mostly fliers and old ads. Opened personal correspondence, torn, some bills that were barely legible inside water-stained envelopes. Walking into our local post office, you see six windows, but only two are open, staffed by people who act as if you are intruding on their lunch hour. On the plus side, the man who delivers the mail is very pleasant…
Forty-four cents? Stand by…not for long. It’s really getting hard to keep up with the correct rates.