
Mubarak Statement Expected Soon

708 5:40:12 pm PST

re: #572 LudwigVanQuixote

I really am giong to log out soon.

I would have thought that the logic was pretty clear.

1. There are clearly sane and decent people in the south.

2. We live in a republic that votes by majority.

3. The south produces an endless parade of backwards whackos elected to office.

4. Therefore the sane southerners are not the majority.

5. Therefore it is proper to talk about how messed up the South clearly is and pretending it isn’t doesn’t help anyone.

No one is pretending that racism does not exist in the South. Some, however, seem to want to pretend it is the ONLY place racism exists.

My post was not about southern history or racism or how messed up YOU think the south is.

My post was about your own bias and prejudice. And your repeated portrayal of southerners as evil, drooling, slack-jawed redneck heathens is just that - your own bias and prejudice.

I know many quite attractive southerners who are as evil as the day is long. Let’s see - DAVID DUKE is a nice looking man, and was really nice-looking when he was younger, and as far as I can see, not dentally-challenged one bit.

I also know quite a few people of several different racial backgrounds who have not had the benefit of good dental or orthodontal care who are quite wonderful folks.

And my own chin is a bit “slack” in appearance, truth be known.

You are so blinded by your own utter contempt of anything southern, that you cannot (or you refuse to) see that you are AS prejudiced and biased as those you rail against.

I don’t like prejudice based on race, religion, skin-color, regional background, national background, what-the-hell-ever. I find it ugly. And I think I think it’s ugly wherever I see it. And you have an abundance of it when it comes to “the south”.

You want to talk about the history of the south? You want to talk about racism? Fine. Those are good discussions to have. But that’s not what you talk about. You just like to call people the nastiest possible names you can think of. And it’s tiresome.