
Video: Fights Break Out at Tampa Town Hall

Capitalistincharge8/07/2009 6:39:24 pm PDT

I understand very well the anger of Americans and it will progressively get more ugly. We feel as though no matter how many letters we send or how many calls to our representatives, we are being ignored. The voices are only get louder and angrier as long as our President gives speeches, like he did in Virginia, and dares speak against and ridicule a majority of Americans. (He doesn’t want us to talk about it cause we caused it and now he’s got to clean up after us). I have never, in my 50+ years, heard a President talk about his fellow Americans in such insulting, dismissive ways. Never. All past Presidents governed over all Americans not just those who agreed with his ideology. I don’t recall ever feeling so marginalized. And I am insulted and angry.

People are taking it to the Town Halls and the Reps aren’t listening and appreciating the constituent’s concerns. We are watching our Government try intimidation on dissenters and suddenly I remember Iran, just recently, and think that can’t happen here can it? Americans are witnessing things our Government is doing and realize more each day that they are fighting to keep our freedom. The unprecedented power grab by this administration is now pissing off most Americans. Congress and Obama continued to deny Americans concerns and now blame and smear to try to intimidate us into inaction. Our President just does not get what America and it’s people are all about. And I am pissed.