
Pamela Geller Associate John Jay Calls for Mass Murder, Then Feels Abandoned

garhighway10/05/2011 7:38:55 am PDT

Morning, all. Can we go back to the “Democrats ruined the economy” thing again? I’d like to hear more about that. because here’s the timeline I remember:
The credit crisis happened in the fall of 2008, under Bush.
Which tanked the stock market, generated a huge spike in unemployment and crushed consumer demand.

I suppose we could argue about why the credit crisis occurred, but that doesn’t take you anyplace useful to the “D’s tanked the economy” narrative.

So the economy tanks under Bush, Obama comes in, saves hundreds of thousands of jobs by keeping GM and Chrysler going, and gets some stimulus money out of Congress. For those who say the stimulus didn’t work, I would agree that we didn’t get as much out of it as we would have liked, but I would further note that:

1> most economists agree that it knocked at least a couple of points off of the unemployment rate, and
2> It’s major sin was being too small, but there was no political consensus behind making it bigger (and the R’s all voted no anyway).

And we are now, with an economy that is stalled for lack of consumer demand, and the R answer is to give us more of the policies that tanked the economy in the first place: less regulation, more “trust us, we’re rich guys” economic policies, …

It’s as if they have decided that being scientifically ignorant has been working for them, so they should be ignorant of finance and economics, too.