
Bryan Fischer: Mighty Demon Slayer

First As Tragedy, Then As Farce7/23/2013 5:03:49 pm PDT

AIDS denialist suing one of his critics in federal court

The article in the link is constructed in a way that makes it a bit unwieldy to try to quote, but the short version is that a former cop (now a private investigator) who asserts that HIV does not cause AIDS is suing an AIDS activist because, essentially, the activist is arguing with him and his claims.

And speaking of claims, Mr. AIDS Denialist informs us that the HIV-AIDS connection is a hoax perpetrated by Big Pharma with the help of Teh Gheys.

Gay activism has been tied to HIV from the beginning. When the AIDS hysteria of 1983 fizzled to mortality levels of .0076% in 1986, CDC officials began to worry that taxpayers wouldn’t fund treatment for a small number of sick men. Drug makers needed activists to push drugs while the CDC needed sick men. To make that happen, drug companies sponsored dance parties where thousands of men were recruited in baptisms of depravity.

(Note that “Baptisms of Depravity” would be a good name for your punk band’s debut LP.)