
Republicans Are Beginning To Worry They Could Lose The House In 2014

A Mom Anon8/21/2013 12:37:20 pm PDT

re: #50 aagcobb

OK, that does help. Thank you. Basically we just have to wait and see. I already had to buy a separate policy for our 19 yr old because it was close to 300 a month just for him. The Husband’s policy is cheap for just him, around 100 bucks. To add me to it brings it up to over 500,almost 600. All of us together is over 800 a month, which ends up being over one week’s pay after taxes. That’s crazy. I was hoping I could opt out and we could find something for both me and the Kid that would be somehow subsidized and maybe even better. We’ll just have to limp along for a few months and see what happens.

I wish this administration had gone on the offensive early with all this and spent some time and money countering the complete and blatant lies the GOP is spreading about the ACA. There really should have been no opting out or any of that shit either.