
McCain Playing Poker on His iPhone

EPR-radar9/03/2013 5:00:20 pm PDT

The editors of National Review Online have come out in favor of US action in Syria.

The comments are heavily against this position, and some are very amusing. My favorite so far is this:

Sorry guys. Congress ought to pass a resolution stating that the Constitution grants the Executive with all the power and authority he needs to act as Commander and Chief as well as to conduct American Foreign policy. All previous presidents have done so.
Congress is not tasked with either of those two functions and cannot perform them well as intended by the founders.
By his passing the ball to Congress, he (once again) insults the Constitution, the office of the Presidency as well as Congress itself. The politicians in Washington may all want to act presidential in front of the press, but foreign policy is clearly not their job. Congress gives advise and consent, not permission. Congress can remove a President who can not or will not perform his Constitutional function.

This clown actually wants to impeach Obama for not usurping the Congressional power to declare war.