
Sunday Night Schneider - Hop on the World

A Mom Anon9/16/2013 3:37:13 am PDT

re: #70 Justanotherhuman

The powers that be aren’t scared of us. At all. The system is rigged and they’re the ones rigging it. I’m not even sure elections can actually fix much anymore. It doesn’t seem like enough people are interested in fixing what’s broken either. Maybe at a local level,but even then, when you have all the games being played with government funding for nearly everything, I don’t know if even local level offices can do a lot to make it better right now.

I don’t know, I was raised to, as my Grandma put it, See Around Corners, to look ahead and try to game out what will happen if you do A or B and pick what seems best at the time. I don’t see much of that anymore, and I don’t even know if that’s a great strategy now or not. Business people and politicians sure as hell don’t seem to give a rat’s ass about this right now, that’s for sure.

I’m sitting here facing trying to get a young autistic person into some kind of school or job training since the “transition plan” out of high school has now fallen apart. He was supposed to have state level help, but since our state keeps cutting taxes, less money is coming in from the feds because of that and there goes that concept. There was a brand new school built with federal dollars for these young people, staffed with wonderful people and it’s in danger of being shut down. After 10 million dollars was spent to put it in place only 2 1/2 yrs ago. And the same politicians who sat there at the ribbon cutting smiling are going to be the same ones telling people how wasteful it was to spend stimulus money on this in the first place.

I’m also considering going to school, but at age 53, what do I do that would allow me to make a living and who will hire me once I graduate? And where is the money going to come from to pay for it all? There’s financial aid, but that probably won’t cover all of it, and I simply cannot find a job right now, I just passed putting in FIFTY applications at various places in the last 3 months and I have not received so much as an email saying fuck you. No phone calls, nada. It’s my age and the 20 yr gap in my job history. I have no references or contacts anymore, hell I have no clue where any of my old bosses are or even if they remember me if I could find them. Is going to school going to make a difference? Am I supposed to mortgage my family’s finances to find out?

Sigh. I don’t know, the rich and the big corporations have more money than ever and they still aren’t creating and damned jobs unless they’re so low paying as to be laughable. Something has to give here and it really shouldn’t be the poor and middle class every fucking time.