
Exaggerations Debunked: NSA Actually Collects 20% or Less of US Call Data

Ziggy_TARDIS2/07/2014 10:35:56 am PST

SHould also note that one of my friends here in OK is a fan of Jeremy Scahill.

I looked him up, and found this:

In 1999, he covered the 78-day NATO bombing of Serbia, reporting live from Belgrade and Kosovo.[15] In 2000, Scahill reported from the Serbian parliament as the government of Slobodan Miloᘞvić was brought down and was outside Milosevic’s home the night the former president was arrested.[16] Scahill accused the United Nations Mission in Kosovo UNMIK of being complicit in Albanian atrocities against Serbs.[17]

After Slobadan Milosevic’s death in 2006, Scahill accused the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) of practicing “victors’ justice” and being “a poor substitute for a true international court.”[18] In October 2013 James Kirchick published an article in Commentary magazine discussing Scahill’s coverage of the Kosovo conflict, writing: “Scahill’s work during the period was focused almost exclusively on isolated incidents of violence committed by ethnic Albanians—to the exclusion of the vast, methodical ethnic-cleansing campaign carried out by the Serbs, whom he portrayed as the true victims.”[19]

Short answer is: He is a whackadoodle.

And, even though I am the healthiest mentally I have been in 2.5 years, I still feel no sympathy for the Serbs whatsoever. They bought into Ethnic Cleansing, and Genocide, and don’t like when their victims rose up, and when a major power thumped them for being nasty. Tough luck.