
In New Orleans, Traditional Public Schools Close for Good

Rightwingconspirator6/01/2014 1:58:14 pm PDT

re: #60 Fairly Sure I’m Still Obdicut

I’m not really sure what you’re saying here. Parents of humble means won’t be able to send their children to the ‘best’ schools because they’ll cost too much, and/or in the case of charter schools in New Orleans, they won’t get admitted anyway. The charter schools get to choose, too.

I meant best public school. And best need not be automatically private.
My comments is meant to include NO but take in the larger picture.

Again, ‘common core’ isn’t in the same category as charter schools or vouchers.

Vouchers, charter schools and common core are in the exact same category. Which as I indicated is the category is headed “very controversial, sometimes lied about”

Where the schools are really good, there is far less pressure to want to home school, want a voucher, or need changes like common core.

So as I said I can’t hold it against a parent who goes for one of those controversial options for the sake of their kids.