
The Suit to Get Michael Brown's Juvenile Records Collapses, but Jim Hoft Just Keeps Lying

piratedan9/03/2014 12:22:47 pm PDT

re: #58 Dr Lizardo

makes you wonder if Obama is the Tyrant that they claim that he is, just how these meatsticks are still on the air proclaiming that the Commander in Chief hasn’t called out the black helicopters to shut down and control the media. Isn’t that what Tyrants do very first? control the media and arrest those that are against him?

I got no problem if your inner white dude has to feel insecure about a man of color being President or that your erstwhile conservative principals of “fuck everyone else who doesn’t look and talk like me” are eschewed for a bit of radical redistribution of your white privilege amongst others. These turds have zero faith in the system and model of our government after spending years of undoing the progressive changes post the Great Depression. They seem to think a nation of Pottersville encampments are just what this nation needs and if you need a job, well, you can always hire on to be a thug for them.

These people have a warped sense of what freedom is and probably haven’t seen the New Testament since they hit adolescence.