
The James O'Keefe Scandal Gets Worse: Ex-Staffer Says He Crossed a Line With Vile 'Kill Cops' Stunt

Dr Lizardo3/21/2015 1:52:11 am PDT

Nutburgerette Sandy Rios is warning Christians to “prepare for martyrdom” if the SCOTUS legalizes SSM next month.


Sandy Rios, director of governmental affairs for the American Family Association and host of a daily radio program, did not specify what she meant by that - but her context was clear.

“Homosexual marriage is going to bring about the tip of the spear of the battle we’re going to face,” Rios said Thursday to a gathering of religious right activists and pastors.

She told the Christian activists to “stop playing it safe,” telling them the Bible encouraged bold action.

“You must prepare for martyrdom,” Rios said. “I don’t know what it’s going to look like, but it’s coming.”

Religious conservatives have been encouraging activists and lawmakers to pledge to commit unspecified acts of civil disobedience if the court strikes down bans against same-sex marriage.

Great googly-moogly (to quote the late Whitman Mayo) I can only imagine the head ‘spolsions next month if indeed SCOTUS legalizes SSM nation-wide. It’s going to be the derpacalypse.