
Chuck C. Johnson Quotes White Supremacist Source in His Latest Racist Rant

Blind Frog Belly White7/07/2015 4:56:14 pm PDT

re: #68 Lumberhead

Response guaranteed to explode racists’ heads because it plays on their deepest fears & feelings of inadequacy:

So according to that logic, I guess when slavery was legal white women must’ve found black men irresistibly desirable and freely given themselves to them. Otherwise, where did all the mulattos, quadroons, octoroons, etc. come from?

They also came from the white men that somehow found black slave women desirable enough to rape them.

That was CL’s point - a white woman in the old South delivering a mixed race child would have been in deep, DEEP trouble. So, the mixed race children likely came from white men who apparently found black women desirable.