
Donald Trump Raging at Megyn Kelly After She Calls Him Out for Ugly Misogyny

lawhawk8/07/2015 12:40:46 pm PDT

Of course let’s ignore that every last one of the GOPers on the stages yesterday are extreme right wing by any methodology - compared with the 2012, 2008, 2004, 2000, or even the 1980, 1984, and 1988 GOP party platforms/statements.

The GOP has moved so far to the right as to be completely unidentifiable to anyone watching from 1980 or 1984. Reagan would be a RINO with this crowd, what with his support of gun control, talking arms control with the Soviets, selling arms to Iran months after an Iranian proxy bombed the embassy and Marine Barracks in Lebanon, etc. Oh, and a domestic policy that didn’t involve dismantling the safety net and also included tax hikes.

Instead, they’ll focus on Zombie Reagan, who massively spent on defense, and significantly increased the debt and national deficit - on second thought they’ll ignore that part except when a D is in office, in which case they claim to be fiscally responsible and that the only way forward is to slash/burn the safety net.