
Seth Meyers: Mitch McConnell Shamelessly Says "The Era of Bipartisanship Is Over"

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷6/10/2021 11:11:11 pm PDT

re: #67 sagehen

That thread is depressing AF.

It sounds like a lot of CT. “Do you really think a bunch of guys with backpacks and box cutters could hit hard targets with that kind of precision?”

Yes. American aircraft have been hijacked before. The World Trade Center had been bombed before (and by the same guy). The Oklahoma City federal building was blown up by a couple homegrown wingnuts with a truck.

“vladimir putin was the very first person to call after the attacks of 9/11

cuba, iran, libya, and north korea all sent condolences.

what a sweet little bunch - dontcha think”

Every country sent condolences. Nice cherry picking there.

“all the while, we keep slashing taxes and outsourcing jobs an slashing taxes and turning our political discourse into babbling madness and slashing taxes and slashing taxes and when we’re not busy we also cut taxes

the wealthy enjoy this quite a bit no matter the damage”

Welcome to conservatism. Go back and read Edmond Burke.