
Marijuana Everywhere | Alito Flew Pro-Trump Flag At His Shore House | Trump Says Biden Will Drop Out

Unabogie5/24/2024 12:57:12 pm PDT

re: #37 danarchy

I am not nor will ever be an ACAB person. There are something like a million law enforcement officers in the country who have tens if not hundreds of millions of interactions with people every year. You could read a story like this every day or multiple times a day and it is still not a significant portion of the group.

I have no problem with calling for more accountability and critisizing a system that lets bad actors get away with it, and I wish only the worst for the actual bastards. But what other group would you say that about. How about teachers? I bet I could set up a google alert and see multiple stories a day about teachers abusing, molesting, or otherwise mistreating children. Doesn’t mean all teachers are bastards, even when the union makes sure they don’t lose their job, or the school tries to hide it to protect themselves from lawsuits.

I have a family member who is a cop. As far as I know, he’s never been accused of shooting an unarmed suspect or planting evidence.

But he’s admitted to not enforcing the law in Black neighborhoods during times of protest as a way to say “fuck you,” and thinks that people deployed to war zones should be free to murder children in homes, for fun, just because they are there and I’m not.

His attitudes, learned over 20 years as a cop, are HORRIFYING.