
The Door Opens - Update: The Door Closes

psyop1/06/2009 6:31:50 pm PST

re: #38 zombie

OK, I have a confession to make.

I recently ended up in possession of two bottles of wine — both were house-gifts for an event I hosted.

I just looked them both up online — one was a $14 bottle of wine. The other, a classy $60 bottle of wine.

Meanwhile, I already had at home a $3 bottle of low-grade cooking wine — which i indeed only use for cooking, since I’m not really a drinker.

Well, circumstances compelled me recently to open (but not finish) the two new-ish bottles, to serve guests. And so, just now, since I needed some wine for a sauce I’m making, I had all three open bottles in front of me — so I tried a blind taste test of the three bottles.

The result?

They all freakin’ tasted the same!

To my plebian palate, I could not tell any qualitative difference between the three.

As far as I’m concerned, wine is nothing more then spoiled grape juice.

Often with wine, the money you pay is for the import costs. Getting a bottle of wine from Italy or France to the U.S. (especially the West Coast) is very expensive.

Wine is one of those things… you can pay out of the nose for absolute crap, or spend next to nothing for sublime greatness. The only way to get around in the world of wine is to do hundreds of hours of research.

Or know someone who has already done that research.