
James Randi and Global Warming

friarstale12/18/2009 1:04:37 pm PST

re: #66 lostlakehiker

ah, now there’s a reply I can appreciate
you didn’t call me an idiot

actually, I must confess (at least to you, who deserves an honest answer) that I am sympathetic to the idea of AGW, but I am not convinced that things like the Asian Brown Cloud (which was mentioned here not long ago) should not be addressed at the same time that we try to get the developed world to curb their emissions.
The problem with Kyoto years ago, and it looks like the same thing is happening with Copenhagen, is that the Chinese and India were let off the hook, making things things seem more political than scientific

as for the glaciers, I’ve mentioned before that where I live, the land was once under a mile of ice, and there were no SUVs back when it melted, so what caused it?

yeah, you can put me in the (A) camp for now, especially since you did so without gratuitous name-calling