
Shocka! Right Wingers Speak Out Against Glenn Beck!

Dark_Falcon1/03/2010 8:16:25 pm PST

Here’s comment that blends two types of insanity:

# GMScott Says:
January 3rd, 2010 at 4:06 pm

YES, I am very curious too! O’Reilly has been really disappointing on the issue, but expected as he mostly takes a middle-ground position.

While we are at it, how about SOMEONE talking about the latest Executive Order #12425 signed by Barry Soetoro, the usurper, giving a foreign law enforcement agency (Interpol) unConstitutional search and seizure rights here on U.S.A. soil?? AND they have immunity against ANY prosecution for conducting such acts!!

Where is the reporting and criticism towards this latest act of TREASON and surrender of our U.S. sovereignty??!!

Somehow, I don’t think that Mr. Scott’s elevator makes it all the way to the Enterprise’s bridge.