
Video: Jon Stewart and Newt Gingrich

Blueheron2/11/2010 10:07:32 am PST

re: #11 webevintage

Kinda of amazing how well those civilian court cases have worked out so far. From the Republican noise machine one would think that all these terrorists are running around free because the Fedral system is teh suck, when in reality these guys are in prison.

Since I don’t trust Newt as far as I can throw him I’d say he was lying, on purpose, because he is a big. fat. liar.

Do you think there is ever a possibility that if we try KSM in a civilian court he may just be acquitted because some juror thinking he was a good boy?
Plus what will he obtain through discovery that could hurt our security?
You may want to take the chance. I am not convinced. Wouldn’t military tribunals obtain the similar outcomes without the risk to us?
Plus with administration officials stating that he will be convicted and thrown in prison or worse why try him at all?