
Pictures of Very Small Things

albusteve11/19/2010 5:31:07 pm PST

re: #69 elizajane

Flash! Conservative commentator at Townhall says that Palin is not competent to run for president. Lynch mob descends (try not to read the comment section, some things will turn your stomach).


Highlight from article:

“After the 2008 campaign revealed her weaknesses on substance, Palin was advised by those who admire her natural gifts to bone up on policy and devote herself to governing Alaska successfully. Instead, she quit her job as governor after two and a half years, published a book (another is due next week), and seemed to chase money and empty celebrity. Now, rather than being able to highlight the accomplishments of Sarah Palin’s Alaska, we get “Sarah Palin’s Alaska,” another cheesy entrant in the reality show genre. She’d so much rather be out dog sledding than in some “dull political office,” she tells the audience. File that.”

This is on Townhall, mind you. It’s true, the Republican establishment will destroy her with a ruthlessness that will make the MSM look lame.

linking to Townhall is considered uncool