
Radical Religious Right Group Retracts 'Marriage Pledge' Slavery Language

OhCrapIHaveACrushOnSarahPalin7/09/2011 7:06:25 pm PDT

re: #62 Charles

Michele Bachmann’s people realized that this was a huge mistake, when the media started pointing out the insane slavery language. So all of a sudden, Fox News runs an article denouncing that section of the pledge, and Family Leader backs down and pretends their statement was “misconstrued.”

It’s pretty obvious what happened here — it’s called an “Oh shit!” moment.

I call it conservative PC. Cons are more PC than even the left was some time in 1992, complete with all the hysteria and hypocrisy that went along with it.

Difference is, they’ve spent the past 20 years deriding it. That is, until Palin and a Black President came along. Now look who’s on the bandwagon. /rant