
CNN's Dana Loesch Defends Pat Buchanan Against Evil Liberal Censorship

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus2/18/2012 7:16:41 pm PST

Yes, they want to be the ones doing the commanding:


But Mr. Boehner’s message to his members echoes the aggressive talk coming from the Republican campaign trail, where the men vying for the right to challenge Mr. Obama are increasingly blaming Mr. Obama’s administration for rising gas prices. A gallon of gas had dropped to $1.89 when Mr. Obama took office in 2009, in large part because of the fall in oil demand caused by the financial crisis, and has almost doubled since.

“They want higher energy prices. They want to push their radical agenda on the public,” Rick Santorum said at a campaign event last week, accusing Democrats of pushing alternatives to oil. “We need a president who is on the side of affordable energy.”

Newt Gingrich wrote on Twitter on Friday that “gasoline prices are unacceptable. We can do better!” He urged his supporters to sign a petition on his Web site calling for a return to $2.50-a-gallon gas. “Drill here. Drill now. Pay less,” the petition says.

And talking points from the Republican National Committee that go out to conservative commentators every Friday often include rising gas prices among the “Top Line Messaging” for the week. A recent “Pundit Prep” document cited the national debt, unemployment and the price of gas as the three best ways to define the “Obama economy.”


Note: the facts are not on their side. Drilling has been up all during the Obama administration, as has US crude petroleum production.

The idiots like Santorum want people to believe that by increasing demand for oil that gasoline prices will go down.

These people who worship the “free market” are hypocrites to their own (frankly, idolatrous) religion.