
Breitbart Editor John Nolte Calls for Right Wing 'Twitter War'

Lidane5/16/2012 12:51:46 pm PDT

re: #64 HappyWarrior

I go out of my way not to discuss politics on my FB even though I think most of my friends are closer to my positions than nott. Just don’t like being that guy. What I do like to do is post music. I come from a family that loves music so it’s a great way to share with people.

I know quite a few of my FB friends are on my side politically. Others definitely aren’t. In any case, I don’t want to be that person either. I think the last political anything I posted, aside from anti-SOPA/PIPA stuff was me calling out Geraldo Rivera for his idiotic hoodie statements, and people agreed with me that he was an ass.