Comment and Drudge Report: Center Right? Who Are They Kidding?

Ming7/01/2012 1:52:17 pm PDT

It’s disquieting to read that the Romney campaign is shunning the mainstream media, because that’s precisely the “model” used by Sarah Palin, for the entire length of her (brief) campaign, from August 29, 2008 (when her presence on the ticket was announced) to Election Day. It’s still worth remembering that Palin never gave a single mainstream press conference during that campaign.

This also brings back other unpleasant memories: Sharron Angle’s “I’ll talk to the press after I’m elected” sound byte, and Ron Paul’s abruptly (and impolitely) ending his television interview with Gloria Borger of CNN, when she asked him about “those newletters” that somehow went out under his name, and made him a lot of money.

I hope 2012 doesn’t break new ground, as the year when the Republican Presidential candidate consciously avoids all media that aren’t known in advance to be sympathetic to him.