
Romney Tells Interviewer: No Questions About Abortion or Todd Akin

Scottish Dragon8/23/2012 1:43:06 pm PDT

re: #62 Amory Blaine

You must know different people.

I grok what your are saying. I do think that the actual, historical political philosophy of conservatism actually has nothing to do with what we see now…which is right wing revolutionary religious populism. It is the antithesis of conservatism.

Conservatism is skeptical of change, and when change is necessary then it must be carefully and judiciously administered. The people in the GOP today are right wing Jacobins. They want to overthrow 100 years of law and social policy…and they don’t give a shit who is hurt…including themselves. All they want is to damage their sworn enemies, whom they have imagined largely from fevered propaganda.