
Another Commie Plot?

darthstar9/16/2012 6:39:48 pm PDT

Okay, if you haven’t read the politico article linked to above (by both Gus and myself), do so. It’s the kind of article that will have Mitt Romney waking up with an icky bottom on Monday morning, and god help any staff stuck on the bus with him…he’s going to back up the plumbing in a big way. Yes, one of his guys, Stevens, is getting labeled the fall guy for all that’s wrong with the campaign, but the writer does take pains to recognize that Mitt is very involved in all campaign decisions…he sees himself as the decider (where have we heard that term before?).

If you don’t want to read it, just watch MSNBC tomorrow…they’ll pull the juicy bits out at some point in the day and discuss them until they become meaningless…but that is their core weakness…not knowing when to let an idea sink in on its own.