
Ron Paul!

esch4/15/2009 7:30:16 pm PDT

re: #688 MJBrutus

What worries me the most, is that I think the center really has shifted to the left. I think that people in this country really do want more government. I think that more and more people really do want “free” education (including college) and health care and day care and a guaranteed comfortable retirement and on and on. I think that people have become naive about the dangers that countries like Iran or terrorists pose to us. I think that people really do feel that China and Russia have our best interests at heart and that peace can come from negotiating with despots. I think that it has been too long since we have faced an existential challenge and people are unwilling to believe that it could happen.

2 generations of public school students have been indoctrinated into socialism. Believing that there is an infinite amount of resources available to take care of them. Too bad all that Western style socialism has dependence on a strong U.S. at it’s core. Without us helping them out, most of those countries would collapse into instant bankruptcy and/or chaos.

Only a long period of painful consequences is going to educate a sufficient amount of people to the reality of their youthful delusion. Then perhaps a broker, wiser nation can start again.