
Friday Night Video: Portal: No Escape

W of O. The Time Zone Warrior.8/27/2011 10:02:45 am PDT

Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeere we go again!!

Republican bigot of the week is this time:

Roberto Arango. Another anti-Gay (= Republican) Senator caught with pictures on a gay site.

From Crooks and Liars:

Puerto Rican State Senator Roberto Arango is, of course, a Republican, which means he has to be anti-gay. Arango is so anti-gay and so disgusted by the acts of gays that he has to put his photographs up on gay site for gay dudes. How Republican of him. Gawker keeps on saying he’s a Puerto Rican Anthony Weiner. No. Weiner is a Democrat - meaning he was sending his pics to adult females.


Here’s the kicker: if these pictures were just of full frontal that happened to appear on a gay site - he could possibly survive politically. Sure. Documenting weight loss. It could happen. But that wasn’t ALL the pictures that (ahem) ended up on the gay app. After the break, NSFW even though it’s blurred.

More information here.

Call me shocked….