
An Open Letter to the Republican Party

stuiec5/05/2009 6:53:23 pm PDT

re: #551 ShanghaiEd

PRINCETON, NJ — There is a significant political divide in beliefs about the origin of human beings, with 60% of Republicans saying humans were created in their present form by God 10,000 years ago, a belief shared by only 40% of independents and 38% of Democrats.

There are a number of Americans who believe that God became incarnate in the form of a human being in order to experience what it was to be born, to live and to die. These same people believe that the self-same human being, after being dead for three days, spontaneously re-animated himself.

Has Gallup done a recent poll on how many Americans hold that belief, and how they reconcile it with scientific fact? Shouldn’t the Republican Party be very, very careful about being associated with such Resurrectionists?