
Jim Hoft (Gateway Pundit) Staged the Carnahan Coffin Stunt

RogueOne3/25/2010 9:01:47 am PDT

re: #696 drcordell

Yeah, in the context of death threats being phoned into Democratic offices all across the country. In the context of a Congressman’s brothers house having the gas line cut after his address was published on the internet. You wouldn’t feel the least bit worried knowing that the lunatic fringe has your home address?

Having people pray for me makes me nervous since I’m not sure to whom they’re praying. No, I think carnahann needs to stop acting like a little girl and take his lumps. He wants all the praise of voting for the most controversial spending bill in generations but he doesn’t want anyone to say anything that might be off-putting.

Someone vandalized a guys bbq grill, that’s only a hanging offense in texas.

People are getting all wound up on both sides of the issue and everyone seems to think we’re on the brink of a genocide because a grill was damaged.