
Ken Miller Dissects the Creationists' Next Tactic

Salamantis1/08/2009 12:40:39 am PST

re: #710 Victory Gin For All

I finally got around to watching Ben Stein’s Expelled movie.

What stood out to me was how similarly global warming skeptics and evolution skeptics are treated by their repective scientific communities.

I know that man-made global warming caused by CO2 emissions leading to world-wide catastrophy is a steaming pile of bullshit, but it is supposedly the “consensus view.” The science is settled. It’s no longer open for debate.

When I hear these same arguments and protestations coming from the evolution camp, I raise an eyebrow.

The difference is that anthropogenic global warming is bad science, while evolutionary theory is good science. The proof? Barely two decades after it was first proposed, research scientists are fleeing AGW in droves, because they are following the empirical evidence, which does not support it. In contrast, evolutionary theory has been around for a century and a half, and in that time, all of the vast swath of empirical evidence has supported it, and not one single whit of contradictory empirical evidence has been proffered.

Even the leftist sites are leaving AGW behind, and for good and sufficient empirical reasons:

But IDers have produced no empirical reasons for anyone to abandon evolutionary theory; in fact, they produce no empirical science at all:

Quite simple, any attempt whatsoever to smear evolutionary theory by equating it in any way with Anthropogenic Global Warming is either profoundly ignorant, profoundly dense, profoundly naive, or profoundly and malevolently dishonest.