
Creation Vacations to Evolution HQ

Syrah3/11/2009 6:32:04 pm PDT

re: #698 Salamantis

Bat guano doesn’t smell too bad; just kind of musty.

When I was 12, there was a barn across the street from me with bats roosting in its roof joists; they shat guano onto the straw underneath. I had read that it was the world’s richest fertilizer, so I planted some tomato seeds, and when the plants sprang up, I placed bat guano all around them. It must have been too rich for them; it killed them doornail dead within days.

It was probably the dosage that killed them.

Fertilizers can burn if they are too rich or spread to heavy.

The trick that I use with Tomatoes is to put a fish under them when I plant them.