
Oklahoma Will Ban Sharia Law, Which Was Just About to Take Over

ExCamelJockey6/15/2010 12:39:07 pm PDT

re: #708 Charles

No, Texas does NOT have “sharia law.” That court ruling doesn’t say anything like what you pictured it as saying. The cases in question had written arbitration agreements which were ruled binding under existing Texas law. This has nothing to do with “sharia.” It has to do with the legality of written arbitration agreements.

Good grief. Paranoia strikes deep.

Let’s not split hairs here. I provided the link for a reason. My statements were factual. You can “picture” it however you like.

The panel of arbitrators in this case would have decided this issue “according to the Islamic rules of law by Texas Islamic Court”. It’s in the attached link.

So you have Sharia law, deciding a legal dispute, in Texas, and the outcome is legally binding. That sounds like Sharia law in Texas to me.

PS Make sure you have twice as many females as males to give testimony to that arbitration panel just so to keep the outcome honest (Koran 2:282).