
Jonathan Kay: The Tea Party Movement Is Full of Conspiracy Theories

Achilles Tang2/11/2010 5:51:07 am PST

re: #709 hugh59

Why is it that so many people on the left (and the host of this blog in particular) insist on these personal attacks against the people they disagree with? I also see frequent misrepresentations of opposition ideas, arguments and positions in order to make them look extreme and stupid. It looks to me like a strategy of dehumanizing the opposition so that you have an excuse for ignoring them.

The “conservatives are stupid” or “conservatives are evil” chant is getting old. I am tired of seeing my views misrepresented. I am tired of hearing people tell me that they KNOW what my views are and then argue against some strange melange of positions that no one in their right mind would support.

Could it be that the personal attacks, when they may be personal, are against some strange melange of positions that nobody in their right mind would support?

Could it be that you share some of that melange since you seem to think any attack on them is a personal attack against you?

Could it be that when you defend the lack of criticism from conservatives of this melange, you think it is you being attacked?

Have you attacked this melange of loonies anywhere else, other than at LGF at 2am?