
Overnight Open Thread

Athens Runaway2/21/2009 7:48:54 am PST

Is it just me or does anyone else feel like Gulliver in Gulliver’s Travels, after he returned from living with the Houyhnhnms and is back in England? Can barely stand to be out in the world, because of the all blanant stupidity you see around. My Democrat friend was teasing me about how the only news I consumed was Fox News and blogs, and I had to explain to him that I used to be a CNN guy until they swallowed the Sarah Palin fake baby pill along with everyone else. Fox News was the only outlet not buying what Kos had to say, and the only network using common sense. That soured me a lot on what passes for news around here.

I have been feeling really pessimistic about the future. You just KNOW that Bush is going to get trotted out as the Cause For All Evil, just as he did for the last three election cycles. My Dem friend tried to sell me on the idea that Ohio (my state) was now a blue state, because it voted for a moderate-ish Democratic governor in ‘06, and for Obumbler in ‘08. He’s also convinced that this year is the Year That the Oakland Raiders Win, so take that into account.

Sorry for the rant, can I get a fruit cup handout?