
Ask Bobby Jindal About His Creationism

trulyyours2/21/2009 5:37:02 pm PST

A true conservative, in my opinion, is someone who believes in and acts upon the truth that government is best which governs least, that taxes should be minimized, that free markets make better decisions than bureaucrats and that the foremost role of the federal government is national defense and security.

All the name calling such as “Disco-Institute-crafted, stealth-creationism-in-public-high-school-science” which ignores the fact that all public policy is derived from someone(s) moral and ethical belief system does nothing but keep conservatism in the cellar.

The liberals now in control are essentially atheists in their practiced beliefs whether they know it or not. We can’t rationalize a better scheme in their arena because, at it’s base, conservatism is grounded in the understanding of human nature and condition which is essentially theological in nature.