
Freak-Out of the Day

What, me worry?9/02/2009 2:08:42 pm PDT

re: #703 nikis-knight

I have zero faith, in fact, of documents to restrain people. The ideas in them were wonderful, in fact what I want to conserve, but people who disagree with them, who don’t mind gaining influense with Peter by spending Paul’s money or increasing the reach of the federal government down to what lightbulbs you can buy, are not restrained by documents, but by voters. Hopefully voters will always be enough in America, but if you look at history around the world, some fairly nice constitutions have amounted for all of zero when it came down to it. America is special, but not so much as to be impervious to apathy, ignorance, and envy.

None of those countries, Venezuela, Cuba, the Soviet Union, et al have a Constitution or Bill of Rights like ours. It’s why we’ve lasted as long as we have. I find it insane that anyone thinks a president, any president, is going to march into office and in 6 months dismantle a government that’s been standing for over 250 years.