
NYT's Revkin Responds to Limbaugh's 'Suicide' Suggestion

Guanxi8810/20/2009 8:17:18 pm PDT

re: #690 aagcobb

Thank God we have all those commies in the White House to save capitalism! I made a lot of money on the stock market in the 90’s when the Clinton socialists were in power. I just got my quarterly 401k report, and the WH Reds have the stock market booming again! The capitalists never have it so good as when those marxist dems are in power!

I notice that they seem to have done a bang-up job with the automotive industry and banking, and cannot wait to see what wonders their benign and wise control over the health insurance system will bring us all.

Clinton wasn’t a socialist - a crook, at worst, but not a radical.

I’m pleased that a return to late 90’s, early 2000’s stock market levels are a cause for celebration in your home, and wish you exactly as much prosperity and wealth as your (and my) betters permit us to retain.