
World's Craziest Bloggers Say LGF is 'Linked Up' with Neo-Nazis

jcm4/08/2009 12:02:04 pm PDT

re: #624 Idle Drifter

Do you think the US Navy will risk a boarding to get the freed crew off ship? I’d hate to think what would happen to the Captain should the pirates get nervous.

Larger picture and cold hard reality.

We have to board the ship. If we don’t the piracy will continue. We also have to pound the pirate base at Puntland.

How many ships have the nabbed and the pirates have gotten something? Certainly not a reprisal!

If we do not respond, and rock the pirates world to it’s foundations there will be another crew and another captain, and another, and another.

Whether BHO will do what must be done is another matter.