
Oklahoma Will Ban Sharia Law, Which Was Just About to Take Over

n2stox6/15/2010 1:04:00 pm PDT

re: #708 Charles

No, Texas does NOT have “sharia law.” That court ruling doesn’t say anything like what you pictured it as saying. The cases in question had written arbitration agreements which were ruled binding under existing Texas law. This has nothing to do with “sharia.” It has to do with the legality of written arbitration agreements.

Good grief. Paranoia strikes deep.

My paranoia would be less if those pesky Islamists would just stop cutting people’s heads off in their stated quest for a caliphate.

You know, all that talk of turning Buckingham Palace into a mosque and having the crescent flag (or was it Black Flag?) flying over the White House. They’ve been screaming so loud for so long (Caliphate or death!), I’m beginning to think they mean what they’ve been saying.

Afterall, this is the note pinned through Theo van Gogh’s chest by his Islamist murderer: “Islam will be victorious through the blood of martyrs who spread its light in every dark corner of this earth.”