
Ann Coulter and the Council of Conservative Citizens, Part Deux

Randall Gross2/15/2009 8:44:32 pm PST

Why is Ann white washing Eugenecists? I really thought she was supposed to be against that….

This from the May 25 2004 archive:

There is no doubt, however, that the Neo-Bolsheviks hate James L. Hart, the GOP candidate for the 8th Congressional District in Tennessee. Hart is running against incumbent Democrat John Tanner.
The Tennessee GOP establishment is in a panic after a eugenics advocate won the Republican primary to challenge an incumbent Democrat for Congress.
James L. Hart, an unemployed real estate agent, prevailed in the August 6 primary to become the Republican nominee for the 8th Congressional District. Hart beat a last-minute write-in candidate thrust into the race by the state party leadership.
Hart’s campaign literature called for a program to discourage reproduction among “the less favored races of sub-Saharan Africa, which Hollywood continues to call black.”
Despite bad press and Republican rants, Hart received 79% of the vote to handily whip his opponent. Over 5000 people cast ballots for Hart in a primary that drew only 20% of the electorate.

For the record, Hart got his Ass kicked by the Dem, Tanner