
Dave Weigel Digs Through LGF's Archives Looking for Dirt

Zimriel4/27/2009 5:44:18 pm PDT

re: #608 Jimmah

BNP having collective nervous breakdown:


It’s little more that a Searchlight press release (not that there’s anything wrong with Searchlight press releases!), so take that with a grain or two of salt. Burnout in the BNP’s upper echelons is, I suspect, overstated; every major organisation has the occasional burnout in it, and there’s little helpful manuals and memos in any public movement - or so I’d expect.

I’m getting more lulz out of this: ‘The booklet also warns activists not to set up official party blogs because “they can’t write proper English” and describes some members as “oddballs”.’ (This is I think why one of these activists leaked the manual.)

Hey BNP members! This is what your party thinks of you.