
UAW Will Own 55% of Chrysler

leereyno4/28/2009 5:10:57 pm PDT

Let Chrysler become a company of the workers, run by the workers, for the workers. If the company is able to compete in the market then great. If it is not, then it will perish. I don’t see how either outcome is negative.

The key will be making sure that the government is not run by people who will want to “nationalize” the company. Keeping car companies or coal mines open when they are unprofitable just so that the workers will have a paycheck is unethical. Businesses that are unprofitable MUST be allowed to fail so that room is made for businesses that are profitable.

I don’t see why this is a conflict of interest either. If the workers own the company then isn’t than an incentive for them to make it profitable? But then again, if they were bright enough to understand how to make money from investments, then they wouldn’t be working for the UAW anyway. Most of them are your typical blue collar, working for the man, resentful of other people’s success, Archie Bunker types who wouldn’t know a P/E ratio from a gym class.

But even so, how is this a bad thing? With ownership comes accountability, provided of course that the leftists don’t succeed in turning our federal government into the patron saint of failed businesses.