
Noonan: Can We Play 'Grown-Up' Now?

jvic5/29/2009 10:25:17 pm PDT

re: #606 coldwarrior

thatcher saved england from the same crap we are getting into now.

gubment owning car companies…british leyland, destroyed MG and JAG. brit socialism expanded until maggie said no.

Thatcher, like Reagan, had a coherent political philosophy that she could articulate.

When Palin was floundering in the media, I told myself that being not up to speed is not the same thing as being out of one’s league. But has she been coming up to speed since the election? I haven’t seen posts mentioning her presence at conservative think tanks.

so why not palin, her state needs no bail out

USA Today, 10/27/2008:

But Palin didn’t cut the size of government as mayor of Wasilla, and she hasn’t done so as Alaska’s governor, city and state budget records show. Spending in fast-growing Wasilla increased by 55% during her tenure from 1996-2002, records show. In nearly two years as governor, she has presided over a 31% spending hike by a state government that sought earmarks from Washington even as it reaped billions from higher oil prices and Palin-backed tax increases on oil companies.

Bill McAllister, a governor’s office spokesman in Alaska, said the state lived through painful budget cuts in the 1990s when low oil prices restricted revenue. “There’s an element of catch-up here,” he said.

So what would be the ‘element of catch-up’ if a Palin presidency followed Obama’s?
I came across Palin’s name before she was a national figure and had great expectations for her. I haven’t completely written Sarah off, but my opinion of her is not what it was.