
Overnight Open Thread

Birth Control Works6/01/2009 7:52:13 am PDT

re: #706 Iron Fist

Certainly Mandy had a good point. I was simply curious to see where that point was coming from. The verbiage was almost pure Marx. while Marx did speak about alienation from one’s own wrok as an individual, that was still in the concept of the individual as a part of “labor” as opposed to capitalist bourgeoisie. Marxism as a whole isn’t concerned with the individual (or the individual’s needs) much. The individual is much less important than the State. This is in contrast with the philosophy of individualism that the United States was built on and for so many years exmeplified. We have too many people these days who would just vote themselves a payday and to hell with everything else. While this might appear individualistic at first glance, it is not, really. It requires that the many support the one irrespective of the societal benifit, but the “one” is really a class of people who, through their votes, demand to be taken care of. It is a large enough class of people that it can (and does) swing the election.

That’s Ben Franklin. It is almost prescient the way he calls out what will (if we don’t get control of it) bring us down.

How long did the actual “republic” part of the Roman Republic last?